Roulette Neighbours of Zero Bet
Roulette is a fascinating casino game that is filled with a huge number of potential betting opportunities. These include ‘Neighbours of Zero’, which is commonly known as ‘Voisins du Zero’.
What is a Neighbours of Zero Bet in Roulette?
The Neighbors of Zero (Voisins du Zéro) is a call bet that covers 17 numbers surrounding 0 on the roulette wheel. It requires 9 chips, placed on specific splits, corners, and a trio (0/2/3).
It covers the numbers 0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 12,15,18, 19,21,22, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, and 35.
This bet offers broad coverage around zero and is popular among players aiming to target this key section of the wheel.
We speak of neighbours of zero because the numbers to be covered correspond to the seven numbers to the right of zero, as well as the nine numbers to the left, on the roulette wheel.
Call Bet
A bet on numbers adjacent to the 0 on the wheel
Multiple placements, covering the series adjacent to 0.
This is a bet that is specific to French roulette, it is not found in American roulette.
How to Play Roulette Using Neighbours of Zero Bet
This bet cannot be placed with a single chip, 9 chips are required in total, on 7 separate bets :
- Two chips on 0, 2, 3 trio
- One chip on each of the splits: 4-7, 12-15, 18-21, 19-22, 32-35
- Two chips on the corner of 25/26/28/29
Note that for this bet there is only one placement combination. Also note that it is possible to place this bet directly on the racetrack provided for this purpose.
Do not confuse the Neighbours of Zero bets with the Neighbours bet: Although the concept is similar, they are distinct bets. Both involve covering numbers adjacent to a specific number. However, in the Neighbours of Zero bet, the focus is always on the number zero. In contrast, the Neighbours bet allows for a much wider variety of number choices.
When to Place a Voisins du Zero Bet?
Placing a Voisins du Zero bet in roulette can be strategic in several situations:
- Covering a Large Section of the Wheel: This bet covers 17 numbers, increasing your chances of winning compared to betting on fewer numbers.
- Playing French Roulette: Voisins du Zero is specific to French roulette, where the single zero wheel makes this bet more favourable.
- Seeking a Balanced Risk and Reward: This bet offers moderate risk with the potential for decent payouts, making it suitable for players looking to balance their betting strategy.
- Using a Structured Betting Strategy: Incorporating Voisins du Zero into a structured betting strategy can diversify your bets and spread your risk across a larger portion of the wheel.
Is Neighbours of Zero Betting Profitable for Roulette?
The profitability of this sort of betting strategy depends on the payout odds of your chosen number it lands on.
The five split bets you place will all payout at 17-1, while the corner bets payout at 11-1 and the trio bet at 8-1. Your overall win probability is 45.9%, with the bets here nearly covering half of the entire roulette wheel.
The house edge remains at a constant 2.7% for European Roulette.
Roulette Version
Odds of Winning
Payout (Varies by Portion of Bet)
French |
Neighbours of Zero (Voisins du Zéro)
Depends on the specific winning number within the set. For instance, 0/2/3 pays 11 to 1, splits pay 17 to 1, and the corner pays 8 to 1.
N/A (Does not exist)
Is there a strategy based on Neighbours of Zero Bet at roulette?
There is no specific strategy based on this bet, there is sometimes confusion because we also talk about the voisin du zero strategy when talking about this bet. But unlike real roulette strategies, this bet is not integrated into a sequence of several moves. That said, even if we cannot talk strategy, it is possible to combine it with other additional bets.
How to Apply:
- Place a Neighbours of Zero: Place your 9 chips on the 7 bets indicated previously: 2 on a trio bet, 1 on each of the splits: 4-7, 12-15, 18-21, 19-22, 32-35, and two on the corner of 25/26/28/29.
- Combine with Other Bets:
- Even-Money Bets: Place a bet on red/black, odd/even, or high/low to cover a broader section of the table and increase your chances of winning.
- Straight-Up Bet: Place a chip on a number not already covered by the bet on the neighbours of zero.
Pros of Neighbours of Zero Bet:
- Covers a substantial portion of the roulette wheel
- Payouts can be significant, especially for the split bets
Cons of Neighbours of Zero Bet:
- Requires a higher initial stake than other, simpler bets
- The complexity of chip placement can be confusing for new players
The Neighbours of Zero bet is an exciting betting option that covers a sizable area of the roulette wheel, making it an appealing choice for players who prefer to cover large portions of the wheel with a single bet. However, we would warn that the complex nature of the bet and the higher initial stake required may be quite intimidating for less experienced players.
Check out our selection of the best casinos to play roulette.

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