Roulette Split Bet

Roulette Split Bet

Published Date · June 30, 2023 · Last Updated · Nov. 8, 2023 ·Read Time · 2 mins

Roulette offers a wide selection of betting options, each providing a unique level of risk and reward. The ‘Split’ bet is an inside bet that is often placed by players who are looking for a higher payout.

What is a Split Bet in Roulette?

A Split bet is a wager on two numbers that are adjacent to each other on the roulette table. Offering odds of 17-1, this wager obviously comes with significantly more risk than other roulette bets that offer lower payouts.

Inside Bet
A bet on two adjacent numbers
On the line separating the two numbers.

How to Play Roulette Using a Split Bet

To place a Split bet, a player must place a chip on the line which separates two numbers. For instance, to bet on 4 and 5, the chip would have to be placed on the line between these two numbers.

Is Split Betting Profitable for Roulette?

The Split bet offers a potential payout of 17-1 - with your winning probabilities as follows:

  • European Roulette - 5.41%
  • American Roulette - 5.26%

The house advantage for this bet is 2.7% for European Roulette and 5.26% for American Roulette.

Roulette Version
Total Numbers
Number of Possible Split Bets
Odds of Winning
House Edge
2/37 or 5.41%
17 to 1
2/38 or 5.26%
17 to 1

Pros of a Split Bet:

  • High payout potential
  • Offers a decent balance of risk and reward

Cons of a Split Bet:

  • Lower win probability than other inside/outside bets
  • Does not cover much of the roulette wheel


The Split bet in roulette is a great option for players who are willing to take greater risks in return for the potential of bigger rewards. While you may only be covering two numbers with this sort of bet, it can effectively be used as part of a broader roulette betting strategy.

Take a closer look at the best casinos to play roulette.


Tim Williams

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