Roulette Neighbors Bet

Roulette Neighbors Bet

Published Date · June 30, 2023 · Last Updated · Nov. 8, 2023 ·Read Time · 4 mins

The game of roulette offers numerous betting options, which add excitement and strategic depth to the game. Amongst these options, one that really stands out is the ‘Neighbors’ bet. As part of the ‘Call Bets’ or ‘Announced Bets’ category, this allows you to select multiple roulette numbers on the same spin.

What is a Neighbors Bet in Roulette?

The Neighbors bet in roulette is a wager that is placed on a specific number, as well as the two numbers either side of it on the wheel - hence the name: ‘Neighbors’. This means that in total you will be covering five numbers with a Neighbors bet.

Call Bet
A bet on 5 numbers: a number and two numbers on either side
On the number with extra chips on the neighboring numbers.

How to Play Roulette Using the Neighbors Bet

Placing a Neighbors bet requires you to choose a central number to place your chips on, as once you have done that, the two numbers either side of it will also be covered. For example, if you choose 17, your Neighbors bet will cover 17, 6, 34, 25 and 2.

While no specific roulette betting strategy is based solely on the Neighbors bet, it can form part of a broader betting strategy that aims to cover specific areas of the wheel.

Is Neighbors Betting Profitable for Roulette?

The profitability of the Neighbors bet relies on factors such as the payout odds, win probability and house edge. Given that this bet covers five out of the 37 numbers on a classic European roulette wheel, the win probability is approximately 13.5%.

  • If you place a £5 Neighbors bet and the ball lands on one of your covered numbers, you will win a total of £36, with a net gain of £31.

European Roulette
American Roulette
Type of Bet
Neighbours Bet
Neighbours Bet
Bet on a chosen number and its two neighbours on either side on the wheel (5 numbers total).
Bet on a chosen number and its two neighbours on either side on the wheel (5 numbers total).
Number of Numbers Covered
Odds of Winning
5 in 37 (13.51%)
5 in 38 (13.16%)
35 to 1 (but remember, you're betting on 5 numbers, so a win returns 35 chips but you've spent 5 chips to bet)
35 to 1 (but remember, you're betting on 5 numbers, so a win returns 35 chips but you've spent 5 chips to bet)

Pros of a Neighbors Bet:

  • Provides coverage of specific sections of the wheel
  • Can be used as part of a broader roulette betting strategy

Cons of a Neighbors Bet:

  • Requires a higher initial stake than individual number bets
  • Less predictable than bets that cover more numbers - (e.g) Red/Black or Odd/Even


The Neighbors bet offers a unique way to increase the amount of numbers you can cover on a classic roulette wheel. While it may require a slightly larger stake, the potential payouts and the strategic breadth it adds to the game make it an exciting choice for many casino players.

Check out our selection of the best casinos to play roulette to test out this betting strategy.


Tim Williams

Head of Content