How to Deal in Blackjack?

Blackjack is one of the most popular casino card games out there. Lots of people enjoy playing blackjack at either a brick and mortar casino or an online casino. Perhaps you just finished setting up a blackjack table, and you’re thinking of inviting family and friends over to have a fun time together. However, you should know that playing blackjack as a player is way different from playing it as a dealer play.
So, in this post, we’d be teaching you how to deal blackjack. We’d start right from the order in which players are dealt cards to the standing and hitting requirement for a dealer play. We’d also look at the blackjack dealer rules in this post.
Blackjack Basic Strategy for Dealers and Players
The basic strategy rule for blackjack is pretty simple. Players try their best to score 21 or get as close to 21 as possible without exceeding 21. ACE is worth 11 or 1 point, whilst Jack, Queen and King are all worth 10 points.
Besides, the advanced blackjack dealer rule states that as a dealer, you can’t have insurance bet. Dealers can’t also double down, split or surrender. They must abide by the set rules.
In most brick and mortar casinos and online casinos, dealers always hit on cards with face value less than 17 regardless of the card in hand. However, as a dealer, you can’t hit on cards like 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21. The dealer bust most often if they do.
What to Edit Before You Start Dealing Cards in Games
Just before you start dealing cards as a dealer, you should note some things need to be in place. First and foremost, you need to shuffle the decks of cards. When playing with numerous players more than one deck is often combined to help prevent card counting.
After shuffling your cards, make sure the players place their bets on the table before you deal out the cards. Once the cards are dealt players can’t change their bets except if they want to split or double down their hands.

Dealing Cards for Players
When giving players cards, give each player’s first card facing down. As a dealer, you should start by giving cards to players at your left first before dealing cards to the rest of the players. End by giving yourself a card facing down. Deal another card around but this time around deal each players card facing up. Finally, give yourself the last upcard.
As a dealer, if your upcard is an ace, you’re to ask players if they want to purchase an insurance bet. If the players buy an insurance bet (it should be half of their original bet), then you flip over your second card to confirm if it’s a blackjack.
If your second card is a blackjack, collect bets from anyone that didn’t purchase insurance bet. Players that purchased insurance bet get their original wager back. Players who have blackjack will also get their original wager back even though they didn’t buy insurance.

The Dealer's Turn to Edit
After each player play their normal turn as they should the dealer plays next. But when it’s the dealer’s play, turn over your card and if it’s a less than 16 then pick additional cards until you have a hand with a value of 17 or higher.
If your second card is an ACE, it is 11, but if the total value is exceeding 21, the ACE would be counted as 1. As a dealer, if the value of your hand is exceeding 21, the dealer’s bust and the players on the table would win. If your hand value is less than 21 then the players who have a greater value would win (as long as it is under 21). If the value of a player’s hand and a dealer’s hand are a tie then the bets get returned to the player.
It is vital that the Blackjack dealer rules are followed. Any mistakes could cost the casino their reputation and trust from the customers as well as a dodgy bet. If you are wondering how to play Blackjack at home, then mistakes are, of course, less costly but still something that are very avoidable if the dealer is concentrating fully. Card counting is much less of an issue within a private game at home so you can use just one deck of cards comfortably. The rack of chips do not need to be as organised either, allowing for more room for error. Despite this, little training is needed for a dealer at home. It is expected that the source will make a few mistakes whilst training but nothing that cannot be ironed out easily. It is simple to learn to be a Blackjack dealer if you want to be one.
Do Dealers Have an Advantage?
Just like all casino games, Blackjack is made in such a way that some of the money you invest goes to the casino’s pocket. That is called the house edge, and it is merely the way casinos earn their profits. Evidently, this is also applicable to live blackjack games. Therefore, the house edge in live Blackjack will be just as favourable as the one set in casinos.
Ultimately, yes the casino will always have a house edge. They are a business after all, it is how they make their money. However, Blackjack is a very attractive game for players that this does not put many people off, hence why it is so popular. A good tip for an aspiring dealer would be concentration. The house edge will always be there so focus on correctly following the rules and you will be fine. The information in this article should give a view on the research that is needed to be a good Blackjack dealer.

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